Can Green CHP Save Big Companies from Failing to Meet Net Zero Emissions?

It’s Friday the 13th, and there’s no better time to kick off our new series, ‘The Friday Fix’ where Green CHP shares solutions for solving 21st-century energy problems.

Today, we’re tackling the failing grade that most big companies with Net Zero emissions targets are receiving. You can read the full report from Accenture here, but there’s no A for effort when it comes to reaching decarbonization goals. Some companies are even paying for carbon credits and employing other ‘greenwashing’ strategies in hopes of coming close to achieving corporate goals, but these tactics don’t affect a meaningful reduction in overall carbon emissions.

So what’s a cost and environmentally-conscious company to do? Combined heat and power or CHP solutions have long been used to improve efficiencies by cogenerating both heat and electricity within the same system. But traditional non-renewable CHP systems still waste as much as a quarter of their energy input and emit an average of 4,200 tons of CO2 per year. (More about CHP systems in a future Friday Fix.)

Renewable CHP systems, on the other hand are fueled by renewable resources like the sun. These systems maximize the energy output-to-input ratio by minimizing the cost of input fuel and maximizing the potential output.

With a Green CHP renewable energy system, commercial and industrial business owners are able to reduce their utility costs AND make meaningful strides toward corporate decarbonization goals. That’s the power of And.